1. Public Hearing
1.01 Board of Education Public Hearing on 2015 Superintendent's Recommended Educational Facilities Master Plan [7:30 pm]
Sep 9, 2015 - Public Hearing on the 2015 Superintendent's Recommended Educational Facilities Master Plan [7:30 p.m.]
Information, Discussion
Goal 3 Resource Allocation - FCPS will pursue and utilize all resources strategically and responsibly to achieve identified outcomes and inspire public confidence.
Goal 4 Family and Community Involvement - FCPS will nurture relationships with families and the entire community, sharing responsibility for student success and demonstrating pride in all aspects of our school system.
Goal 5 Health and Safety - FCPS will promote a culture fostering wellness and civility for students and staff.




PURPOSE OF PRESENTATION:  Public hearing to accept comments on the 2015 Draft Superintendent’s Recommended Educational Facilities Master Plan (EFMP).


BACKGROUND/SUMMARY:  Each year, the Board of Education of Frederick County (BOE) reviews and updates the ten-year EFMP for the Frederick County Public Schools.  This plan serves a number of purposes, some of which include the following:


·         To inform the public about long-range plans for educational facility improvements in Frederick County.

·         To present long-range enrollment projections and future facility needs.

·         To coordinate future new educational facility locations with county and municipal officials.

·         To coordinate with state officials regarding future facility needs and funding requirements.

·         To establish a schedule of needed major renovation and maintenance projects for existing buildings.

·         To comply with state regulations for an annual update of the local jurisdiction's facilities plan.


PROCESS STATEMENT:  The Draft Superintendent’s Recommended EFMP is the first draft of the plan, and was presented to the BOE in August for information and discussion.  The BOE will hear public comment at tonight’s public hearing.  Following review of public comments, the BOE will make such changes as it deems appropriate.  The BOE is scheduled to approve the plan as well as a prioritized list of fiscal year 2017 major and systemic capital project funding requests at the September 23, 2015 BOE meeting.  Electronic copies of the plan may be found at http://www.fcps.org/facilities/Educational-Facilities-Master-Plan.cfm.



Beth Pasierb, Supervisor, Facilities Planning



Ray Barnes, Chief Operating Officer